How to Win at Online Selling (E-commerce) in Nigeria: Proven Tips for Business Success.

Graph showing e-commerce growth in Nigeria over the past 5 years

Graph showing e-commerce growth in Nigeria over the past 5 years

Five years ago, Ade sold shoes from a small shop in Lagos. Today, he runs a booming online store, selling to customers all over Nigeria. Ade’s story is common. More and more Nigerians buy things online daily, creating big chances for smart business owners.

If you own a business in Nigeria, learning how to win at online selling in Nigeria is a must. It helps you reach more buyers and grow your business faster. You can sell online to people all over Nigeria, anytime day or night.

 It’s not just a nice skill to have – it can make your business take off. Being good at selling online can be the difference between a business that does well and one that struggles.

In this guide, we’ll share tricks and tips to help you succeed in online selling. We’ll cover everything from setting up your online shop to finding customers and keeping them happy. By the end, you’ll have the know-how to start your own online success story.

  1. Understanding the Nigerian E-commerce Sector:
Infographic with key e-commerce statistics for Nigeria

Let’s talk about how online selling is doing in Nigeria right now. Imagine a busy market, but instead of physical space, it’s a website. That’s what online selling in Nigeria looks like today – active and growing fast!

Do you know? Last year, more than 76 million Nigerians shopped online. That’s like half the country! And experts think this number will keep going up.

Meet Amina. She’s a typical Nigerian online shopper. Like many others, Amina loves using her phone to buy things. She often looks for good deals on clothes, gadgets, and household items.

 Pie chart showing popular product categories bought online in Nigeria

What makes Amina and other Nigerians buy online?

  1. It’s easy to buy online – they can shop anytime, anywhere.
  2. There are lots of choices – more than in physical shops.
  3. Prices are often better online.
  4. They can read what other buyers say before buying.

But Amina is careful too. She worries about getting fake products or losing her money. That’s why she only buys from shops she trusts.

Understanding shoppers like Amina helps you know how to sell better online. You need to make it easy for them to buy, offer good prices, and show that you’re trustworthy.

2.  To win at online selling in Nigeria, Choosing the Right E-commerce Platform is Key:

Let’s say you want to open an online shop. It’s like choosing a place for your business but on the internet. There are several good options in Nigeria. Let’s look at three popular ones:

table comparing three prominent e-commerce platforms in Nigeria: Jumia, Konga, and PayPorte.

  • Shopify: Think of Shopify as renting a ready-made shop. It’s easy to set up and you can make it look the way you want. It works well for people selling their products.


  1. They’re easy to use, even if you’re not tech-savvy
  2. Shopify’s website looks professional
  3. They work with many payment methods
  • Jumia: Jumia is like a big online shopping mall. You can set up your shop inside it. Lots of people already shop on Jumia, so it’s easier to find customers.


  1. Lots of shoppers are already using it
  2. They handle delivery for you
  3. It also helps with customer service
  • Konga: Konga is similar to Jumia. It’s another big online mall where you can open your shop.


  1. Well-known in Nigeria
  2. Helps with payments and delivery
  3. Good for reaching customers across Nigeria

How to choose the right platform? Ask yourself:

  1. How good are you with computers? If not very, Jumia or Konga might be easier.
  2. Do you want to handle your delivery? If not, Jumia or Konga can help.
  3. Do you want your shop to stand out more? Shopify lets you make a unique shop.
  4. How much money can you spend? Some options cost more than others.

Remember, it’s like choosing a place for your business. Pick the one that feels right for what you sell and how you want to run your shop.

  1. Building Your Online Shop:

Let’s follow Chidi, who’s opening his first online shop selling handmade bags.

infographic of domain, hosting, design tips Image: Screenshot series showing key steps in setting up an online store

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Choose a name: Chidi picks “ChidiBags” for his shop. It’s short and easy to remember.
  2. Get a web address: Chidi buys “”. This is like getting a street address for his shop but on the internet.
  3. Find a place to build your website: Chidi chooses a website builder. It’s like renting a space and getting tools to build your shop.
  4. Design your shop: Chidi picks a layout he likes and adds pictures of his bags. He makes sure it looks good on phones too, mobile friendly.
  5. Add your products: Chidi puts up clear photos of his bags and writes what’s special about each one.
  6. Set up how you’ll get paid: Chidi adds ways for customers to pay, like bank transfers and card payments.

Optimization – Making Your Shop Better and User Friendly:

Now that Chidi’s shop is open, he wants more people to buy. Here’s what he did:

  1. Make your website load fast: Chidi makes sure his website loads quickly. No one likes a slow online shop!
  2. Make it easy to use, and user friendly: He adds a search bar so people can find bags easily.
  3. Use quality pictures on your website: Chidi takes clear, pretty photos of his bags.
  4. Write clear descriptions of your products: He tells customers all about the bags – size, colour, and what they’re made of.
  5. Make buying on your site easy: Chidi makes sure it only takes a few clicks to buy a bag.
  6. Add customer reviews, and what people are saying about your product: He asks happy customers to write about their bags on his site.
  7. Offer help: Chidi adds a chat box so he can answer questions quickly.

By following these steps, Chidi’s set up to win at online selling in Nigeria. You can do the same! It takes time, but with these tips, your online business can grow and succeed just like Chidi’s.

4. Smart Ways to Market Your Online Shop

To win at online selling in Nigeria, you need good marketing. Here are three key ways to get more customers:

  1. Make your website easy to find (SEO Tips for Traffic): Use words on your website that people in Nigeria search for when looking to buy things online. This helps your shop show up when they search.
  2. Use social media: Share your products on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Show off your items with nice pictures and tell people about special deals. This can help you sell more. 
Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter etc, Image: Collage of social media platform logos popular in Nigeria

  1. Send emails to customers: Collect email addresses from people who like your shop. Then, send them messages about new products or sales. This reminds them to come back and buy more.

By using these methods, you can get better at online selling in Nigeria and grow your business. Remember, winning at online selling takes time, but these tips can help you get there faster.

5, Getting Paid and Sending Products:

 You need to make the paying and shipping process easy:

Reliable payment options for Nigerian businesses:

Logos of popular payment gateways in Nigeria
  1. Choose good payment methods: Pick ways for customers to pay that are safe and easy to use in Nigeria. This helps more people buy from you.
  2. Get products to customers: Find good ways to send your products. Choose reliable delivery companies to make sure items arrive on time.

6. Building Trust with Customers

Winning at online selling in Nigeria also means making customers trust you:

  1. Ask for customer reviews: After someone buys from you, ask them to write about their experience. Good reviews help new customers trust you.
  2. Keep payments safe: Make sure your payment system is secure. This protects your customers’ money and makes them feel safe buying from you.

By doing these things well, you’ll be on your way to winning at online selling in Nigeria. 

Remember, when customers trust you and find it easy to buy and receive products, they’re more likely to come back and tell others about your shop.

7. Analyzing and Growing Your Online Business:

Google Analytics dashboard

screenshot of google analytic dashboard

Meet Nneka. She started selling homemade soaps online and wants to win at online selling in Nigeria. Here’s how she’s doing it:

  1. Watching her shop’s performance: Nneka uses a free tool called Google Analytics. It’s like having a helper who counts her shop visitors and tells her what they do. She found out most people visit her shop on weekends and love her lavender soap.
  2. Making smart choices using numbers: Looking at these numbers, Nneka had an idea. She started posting about her lavender soap on social media every Friday. Soon, her weekend sales went up!
  3. Ways to grow bigger: Nneka didn’t stop there. She thought, “How can I win more at online selling in Nigeria?” So she:
  • Started selling to hair salons, not just individuals
  • Added shampoo bars to her product list
  • Began shipping to nearby countries

After six months, Nneka’s online soap business was doing twice as well as before.

By watching her shop closely and always looking for ways to improve, Nneka kept winning at online selling in Nigeria. You can do the same! Remember, growing your business takes time, but these steps can help you make good choices along the way.


 Your Path to Online Selling Success

We’ve covered the key steps to win at online selling in Nigeria. 

From choosing the right platform to setting up your store, using smart marketing, and making payments easy and safe, you now have a roadmap for success. Building trust with customers and keeping an eye on your shop’s performance is also crucial for growth.

Now it’s time to put these ideas into action. Winning at online selling in Nigeria isn’t just about knowledge – it’s about what you do with it. Start small by picking one tip from this guide and trying it out. See how it affects your business. Then, move on to the next strategy.

Follow us at Shayo Marketing and Business Skills Blog for more valuable insights and resources on our blog!

Remember, success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and effort to truly win at online selling in Nigeria. But with the strategies we’ve discussed and some hard work, you can build a thriving online business. Keep learning, stay patient, and don’t be afraid to try new things. Your e-commerce success story is waiting to be written!


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